标签模板 需选择 【API模板】-100*100-【PNG】
五、关于 设置【标发的承运商(运输方式映射)】
Z-Parcel尾程有两种情况,一种USPS, 一种Amazon Shipping
所以仅针对该服务商,需要在这个 运输方式映射界面,设置 ‘优先取服务商返回的承运商’ 进行标发,以便返回该订单的实际标发数据。
1、关于ERP版本环境:V2.21.6.67 、 V2.21.7.17 或以上
4.1 OAPI:Invalid request body: [instance value ("") not found in enum (possible values: ["AMAZON","EXTERNAL"])]
同步订单到[ZPARCEL]失败!OAPI:Sorry, the package dimension do not meet our requirements. The length must be between 15.2-60cm, the width must be between 10.1-40cm, and the height must be between 0-50cm.
4.2 同步订单到[ZPARCEL]失败!OAPI:Sorry, the pickup address provided is not supported by this shipping service. Please check the address to ensure it is accurate.
解答:发件人地址邮编,需要填写正确,且服务商对揽收地址有邮编校验的,支持的邮编请参考以下表格 (文件上传日期 21.07.26)
Error Code报错代码 | Error Message报错信息 | Notes注释 |
InvalidRequest 无效请求 | The pickup address provided is not supported by the shipping service. 客户提供的取件地址目前的物流服务不支持。 | Please contact the Selling Partner Support team 请联系我们的卖家支持服务, 登入亚马逊全球物流订舱平台 联系服务商。 |
InvalidRequest 无效请求 | This shipping service cannot deliver to this address. 此物流服务不能发货至所填收货地址 | MFN Small Parcel only delivers to US MFN(Z-Parcel)小包裹目前只支持发往美国 |
InvalidRequest 无效请求 | You exceed your quota for the requested resource | 我们系统只能支持到1秒一个请求,建议客户不要批量预报。可以稍等一个小时再次进行预报 |
InvalidRequest 无效请求 | String”XXXXX”is too long (length :98 , max allowed :60) | 该字段超长,请根据最大限制删除超长部分再重新预报 |
InvalidRequest 无效请求 | Required additional input: ITEM_DESCRIPTION_TRANSLATED is missing or missing the required fields | 中文品名没有填写,请填写后再次预报 |
InvalidRequest 无效请求 | Provided address is invalid. | 收件人邮编不正确,我们系统只支持5位收件人邮编。请客户删除多余邮编再重新预报 |
InvalidRequest 无效请求 | ;Item description is missing for item: item.description. | 英文品名未填写,请填写英文品名之后再次预报 |
InvalidRequest 无效请求 | You are not having sufficient funds in your shipping account to place this booking. Please add funds to your account | 账户余额不足,请尽快充值。 |
InvalidRequest 无效请求 | Package weight exceeds the maximum weight for this ship method. 包裹重量超出此运输方式的最大重量 | MFN Small Parcel weight limit is 22.7KG MFN(Z-Parcel)重量上限是22.7KG |
InvalidRequest 无效请求 | String””is too short(length:0, required minimum:1) | 收件人电话必填,至少一位。请填写之后再次预报。 |
InvalidRequest 无效请求 | We currently cannot delivery to this address. Please select another shipping service. | 收件人邮编不正确,我们系统只支持5位收件人邮编。请客户删除多余邮编再重新预报 |
InvalidRequest 无效请求 | Package dimension exceeds the maximum dimension for this ship method. 包裹尺寸超出此运输方式的最大尺寸 | 15.2cm <=length <= 60cm
15.2cm <=长 <= 60cm
InvalidRequest 无效请求 | Invalid Horizon Shipper, please register a Horizon shipping account and link with your seller 无效的Horizon(Z-Parcel)发货人,请注册一个Horizon(Z-Parcel)全球物流账号并和卖家账号绑定。 | follow the onboard workflow to register shipper account at ship.amazon.cn 请按照卖家入驻流程在ship.amazon.cn上注册全球物流账号 |
InvalidRequest 无效请求 | Package value exceeds the maximum value limit for this ship method 包裹价值超过该运输方式支持的最大货物价值 | 包裹价值应<= $700 |
TermsAndConditionsNotAccepted 条款条件未接受 | The seller has not yet agreed to Amazon's or the carrier's terms and conditions. The seller can accept terms and conditions in Seller Central. 卖家还未同意亚马逊或第三方物流公司服务的条款条件。卖家可在Seller Central上接受服务条款条件。 | Seller need to accept "Amazon's Buy Shipping Terms and Conditions" and "Amazon Horizon Terms and Conditions" in Seller Central. Refer General Onboarding SOP for more details 卖家需在Seller Central上接受 "Amazon's Buy Shipping Terms and Conditions" and "Amazon Horizon Terms and Conditions"。请参考卖家入驻SOP获取更多讯息。 |
Label format not supported 标签格式不支持 | The requested Label format does not match the available formats. 标签格式不符合可用的文件格式 | MFN Small Parcel support PDF, PNG and ZPL label format MFN(Z-Parcel)小包裹支持的标签文件格式有PDF, PNG和ZPL |